Wiggle Room @ The Hideout, 6/17/2017

December 20, 2017
by host

You read about that alien alloy in the NY Times? Maybe these two summoned it. Wiggle Room does this thing that sounds like scanning a transdimensional HAM radio, weaving between mindfreak ambient and groovin’ hints at techno. Apparently they have multiple days of raw material sitting around on the cassette tapes they use to jam, but have yet to put out any recordings. We’re waiting, Wiggle Room.

That said, they are plenty busy. The two are integral in the excellent Terry Radio web station, with Ulla (sometimes Ulla Oo, Ulla Anona, Ulla Straus) assuming the Terry Radio mama status. Ulla has two new releases out on Lillerne and Sequel. The other half of Wiggle Room, Samuel White, has just shifted monikers from No Pomo to Mintgreen and has a really good mix up with C-.

This was filmed by Erica Mei Gamble at the Resonance Series, organized by Ben Baker Billington and Sullivan Roger Davis.



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